Vendors, Donations, Our Impact Oh My!

Jun 05, 2024By Young Nonprofit Foundation
Young Nonprofit Foundation

Fundraising is a crucial aspect of running a successful nonprofit organization. However, coming up with innovative and effective fundraising ideas can be a challenging task. To help nonprofit organizations generate the necessary funds to support their causes, we've came up with a fun way to get our community invlolved in our cause!

2024 'Roses on the Runway!' Fashion Show Vendors

In 2024 YNPF utilizied the power of fashion to reach a wider audience and raise funds for our nonprofit. Create engaging content, share impactful stories, and use compelling visuals to encourage donations. Leverage popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to spread the word about your cause.

social media fundraising

2024 'Roses on the Runway!' Donations

During our show we hosted an online auction featuring serveal unique donated items or experiences. We sought out to our local businesses and corporate individuals to contribute items such as gift certificates, artwork, or unique experiences. 

2024 Vendor Contribution

We empower our supporters to fundraise on your behalf by setting up a live peer-to-peer campaign. Participanting vendors were able to create their own fundraising profits and YNPF was able to reach out to their networks for donations! All particpants were provided the necessary tools and support to maximize their impact.

Contributing Vendors

Simply Blessed Kids


Be Lavish Boutique

Fun Creative Elegant Hats and Accessories Designed by Modelmelissab


Norton Healthcare

Creative Moods

2024 Sponsorships

Our biggest contribution this year was forging partnerships with businesses that align with our nonprofit's mission. Our sponsorship packages provide companies with visibility and recognition in exchange for financial support. By highlighting the mutual benefits of the partnership to attract corporate sponsors we were able to make our event a success!

2024 'Roses on the Runway!' Fashion Show Impact Stories

Impact #1

Shanae Bowles, CDA, Director 

Shanae has always dreamed of working with children and making a positive impact on their lives. With the Foundation's assistance and support, Shanae has enrolled and completed her Child Development Associate (CDA). With dedication and hard work, she completed the program successfully, gaining valuable knowledge and skills in early childhood education and development.

Equipped with her CDA, she has secured a job as a Director at our very own childcare center and preschool, where she quickly made a name for herself with her natural talent and passion for working with children. She is currently looking to head back to school to further her education. 

Thanks to the Young Nonprofit Foundation's support - along with her resiliency and brilliance! - she has been able to impact many lives. Shanae’s success story serves as a shining example of how dedication and support can help individuals achieve their goals while making a difference in their lives, as well as in the lives of others.

Impact #2

Ebory Jones, CDA, AD

Ebory is a hardworking single mother who has faced many challenges while trying to provide for her two children. The Foundation has provided resources and guidance for Ebory (Bre) to help her balance work life and family life while pursuing her Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. With the Foundation's help, Bre has been able to access childcare services, education, and various other opportunities that boosted her skills.

As a result of the support she received from the Young Nonprofit Foundation, Bre has successfully completed her CDA credential, paving the way for better job opportunities and financial stability for her family!

The Foundation's impact on Bre's life and her children's well-being highlights the importance of community support and empowerment! By helping individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, we encourage growth and opportunities no matter the background.